I can hardly believe that in just two weeks I will be flying to Uganda and experiencing a world that I am yet to see. I’ve been reading the stories of people in my network of friends that have had similar experiences, and am battling with a lot of the quotes, thoughts, and phrases that come in preparation for the trip. Someone said “I need Africa more than Africa needs me”, a well-placed reminder that not only will I be impacting the lives of people in Uganda, but they will be changing who I am and my entire worldview, a part of ourselves that is highly protected and guarded by the experiences of our years and those who have influenced us the most. On the other hand, this is not about me. I am not going to Uganda to be changed, but to love. To learn how to love endlessly, even those that I have not yet met. The Lord is still working on my heart and filling me in on how I will be experiencing this love.. This morning I received a message entirely devoted to love, the Spirit, and some reminders of recent conversation regarding the Holy Spirit. Intentionally reminding myself that the Lord is always present has been such an empowering and fulfilling practice,
“Lord You are here. You are present. You are active and moving. Christ above me and below me, to my left and to my right”.
Simply knowing that we are never alone provides one of the most influential forms of love that I can try to wrap my human mind around, agape, or unconditional love. While we continually deny the Spirit, sometimes unknowingly out of our human selfishness, He still loves us endlessly. Philip Yancey wrote,
We need to let it soak in that there is nothing we can do to make God love us more…and nothing we can do to make God love us less.”
Even with that knowledge, I have not grasped the full understanding of this presence. Brother Lawrence had an awesome interpretation of this, as mentioned in his writing,” The Practice of the Presence of God”.
“The time of business does not with me differ from the time of prayer, and in the noise and clatter of my kitchen, while several persons are at the same time calling for different things, I possess God in as great tranquility as if I were upon my knees at the blessed sacrament.”
I desire a mindset in which every daily task I encounter, I also encounter the presence of our living and active Lord. At this moment in my life, it’s almost exhausting to imagine walking through a busy cafe, or being surrounded by hundreds of people in a work-setting and feeling as if I were interacting with the Lord in continual prayer. This is a reminder that I am nowhere close in terms of discipline and intentionality to where the Spirit desires. Today, Ash Wednesday, is the beginning of a season of penance, reflection, and fasting. God is gracious and merciful to those who call on Him with repentant hearts. His Divine mercy is of utmost importance during the season of Lent, and the Church calls on us to seek that mercy during the entire Lenten season with reflection, prayer and penance. (1)
“There is not in the world a king of life more sweet and delightful, than that of a continual conversation with God. Those only can comprehend it who practice and experience it.” – Brother Lawrence
Presence and Love