“Discovery, selflessness, and continued adventure.”
Go somewhere new.Charleston, SCTry a new cultural dish.Turkish- Babysit on a night where you typically would go out and do something.
Choose the boutique hotel.The Williamsburg Hotel, Jan 18Read Ogilvy.Take a class.Adapting to “teach a class”Practice meditation.Get another MLB stadium in.Miami Marlins, Tampa RaysStart an art project.Attend a new conference.Digiday Brand SummitGive a gift for no reason.Help someone else move.Use the kayak.Florida, SummerTeach someone to play euchre.(way harder than you think)Do something ridiculous(TOSRV, 107 mile bike ride)Lean into your home team.Read the privacy policy and terms of use.Memorize something.Help someone get the job they want.Go above and beyond for someone in the service industry.Don’t forget to dance.Go an entire day without checking email.- Attend a 100th birthday party (this one has been SO hard)
Seek out teachable moments.Silent retreat. (Sept)Hike a new trail.Wayne National Forest, Red River GorgeDo something extreme.Summit Attempt, Mount Rainier (August)Turn the phone off for an entire day.5/27If the hair recedes even more, it’s time to shave the head.Still got it.Do something vastly different for your 30th birthday.Host a whiskey tasting