It’s January. Every gym is packed to the brim with new pairs of shoes, recently opened FitBits, and yoga pants with coffee stains. If you’ve got the willpower to go to the gym every week of the year, outside of resolution season, then this overloaded gym fiasco likely drives you nuts. By February, everything is back to normal at my local globo gym, but for this month I offer you an alternative.
This past December, I won the #Season2Share competition from Car2Go Columbus, as they asked Twitter followers to submit Christmas wishes, awarding winners every day through the holiday season. My wish: to take my college roommate Ryan to SkyZone Columbus, given that neither of us can dunk and we’re both under 6 foot. Sure, we played intramural volleyball with the best of them; I still recall my shining moment, blocking a spike from a tall basketball player named Logan and watching the response from my entire team as I couldn’t help but giggle immaturely. But when it comes to the big air, it’s hardly our forte. When Car2Go delivered my prize package, I knew it was time to assemble the troops, and in great timing as a 3D Dodgeball tournament was on the calendar.
SkyZone Columbus is one of most underrated event experiences in the city, located just north of Columbus in Lewis Center. I remember growing up with birthday parties at the bowling alley or the skating rink. That’s so 1990’s, yet it exists today and is the standard go-to for rallying a group or celebrating a special occasion. SkyZone has a dodgeball court, a free jumping area with room for well over 100 jumpers, and a foam pit for a high-flying flip or move. We tried it all, and I can already feel muscles twitching in my body that I didn’t know existed. The dodgeball tournament was essentially two straight hours of competitive dodgeball. After this evening, I’ve compiled a list of rules and essentials for your very own 3D Dodgeball experience:
- Think of your most competitive friend. The one that takes sports entirely too seriously. They are known for yelling at referees, sacrificing their bodies, and sweating entirely too much. We all have that friend. Bring them. They make this whole thing more amusing for everyone but the refs.
- Can’t throw? Just learn to dodge.
- Can’t dodge? Do you know how to fall to the ground? If yes, this is the ONLY dodgeball that you could possibly succeed in.
- Don’t bring your girlfriend or significant other to come and watch. It’s a terrible idea to promise a woman that she can come and WATCH you play dodgeball. And if your opponent brings someone, don’t assume it’s their significant other. It’s actually their sister (I speak from experience). Instead, get her a pair of sticky SkyZone socks and let her play.
- Not a dodgeball player? Don’t fret it. They offer aerobic classes, free jumps, and the foam pit which allows people like me to try to conquer their fears of flipping in the air. As for my fears? Well, it’s a work in progress.
- Wear deodorant. It’s a way more intense workout than you could ever imagine. Maybe bring some extra, in case your opponents smell like a middle school locker room. No offense, I promise.
- If you’re going to invite the referees to play a few games with you, anticipate the worst. These guys may look like college kids just happy to be working a “cool job”, but the reality is they all throw dodgeballs 20mph faster than you and have been waiting all night for this opportunity. Competitive friend from tip #1, these guys have your number.
While I sit in bed contemplating ice packs and ibuprofen, I must admit that it sure did beat running on a treadmill for 45 minutes or waiting in line to get on an elliptical. SkyZone, you are my official selection for alternative workouts.
Follow SkyZone on Facebook here or see their Instagram account here.
Thanks to Car2Go Columbus for the incredible opportunity.