The call of a lifetime: we all dream about it, often wondering when ours is going to come. I think mine came recently; an unknown number from California quickly revealed that my tweets had gotten me into a bold situation.
Doritos recently asked fans what bold move they would make to win an entire pallet of their new product, the Doritos Locos Tacos, using #DoritosPallet to submit ideas. My love of Taco Bell and Doritos goes back to childhood. I remember driving 20 minutes to the nearest Taco Bell for meals nearly every weekend on a Friday after school or on a late night during college. I obviously had to hop on and made a bold claim of my own.
Words cannot describe the whirlwind that began after that. I’ll let the photos do the talking.

So, now I’ve got an entire pallet of Doritos Locos Tacos chips, and I need your help figuring out what to do with all of them. Follow me on Twitter (@ndokuley) and submit your ideas using #PasstheDoritos to help me share the love. I’ll be choosing my favorite ideas and taking action in an attempt to share the love of Doritos and this awesome hookup. Rally your friends, family, and fellow Doritos-lovers for your chance to be a part of this Locos Tacos celebration. Be bold, and stay tuned. I’ve got a bold bargain to live up too.

Live the Dream Daily.