Written in 2021.
2021 feels a bit like 2020. The adventures and the big moments seem lesser – but that won’t stop a list from evolving. We have some monumental things to look forward to.
Figure out life as a family.Turn off the computer for long weekends.Get outta the country at least once.Learn a new game(chess).Name a kid(harder than it looks)Develop a new routine.Remove some distractions from life.Focus on positivity.Create a new pitch deck.Treat yourself at least once.(we bought a nicer car)Break bread. Drink wine. Do it with good people.Inbox Zero.Get competitive in something new(Pickelball)Paint that room ALL white.Get back to making Spotify playlists.Connect on Twitter like the good ol’ days.More bonfires please.Frame a photo or two.Hire top talent. (nailed this)Go get a weekend AirBnB with the gang.(BoxHop Visit)Encourage someone who is making a hard decision.Drink some wine and see what its all about.Turn off Slack and get some thinking done.Date night.Help someone navigate the tough shit.(infertility is a real topic that needs discussed)Give hard feedback but do it with kindness.Throw more vegetables in the mix(microgreens did this big time)Sell some of the bunker.Dig deeper in podcast as a content platform.Stretch more.Try less fancy coffee(confirmed I like nice things here)Learn loyalty programsDo adult things(big 401k investment cash drops)Nap in the middle of the day at least once.