It takes the occasional cold email outreach to remember that this site is still accessible from my social media profiles and deserves a look and update from time to time. Creating these annual lists has become more burdensome and more challenging to achieve, but they have been an essential part of intention-setting in my life.
I turned 36 in 2024, and it feels like we’ve been hitting strides as a household, taking on new adventures and trying to figure out how to do community, family, career, and life well.
Listen to the weekly podcast.Dig deeper into something I’ve been casually content in.Write thank you cards.Eat that irrationally absurd meal.IDGAF menu, VeritasRead more books than last year.(+8 to LY)Do the no-fun, adult thing: car maintenance.Get the backyard in order, or hire it out.- Say yes to the long-time no.
Consolidate a closet of junk.Espresso level up: deeper dives into the machine.Teach Swayze a new game.So many gamesCreate a new dinner/meal to share.Pizza oven!Figure out Figma.Re-establish morning rituals.More neighbor hangs.Get that kid in dance class.Take the family to a Crew soccer game.Become a family of four.Help someone achieve the dream.Get the bike back out.Gift big.- Facilitate a blind butter test and find the true best. CARRY OVER to 37
Prioritize evening time over to-do lists.Fly first class.Ruined me- Go to a concert again (it has literally been years).
Get back to NYC.Take the time to train someone.Turn off mobile notifications.Eliminate doom scrolling in downtime.Hire that person you’ve needed.Be the patient one.Find a new hang spot to get inspired.Junto HotelWords of affirmation where needed.- Redefine “Date night” and be content with the current season.
Travel internationally.ItalyGift the parenting must-haves to an expecting parent- Attend a 100th birthday party (On the LIFE LIST)